Friday, April 26, 2019

Look Inside! - Berenstain Bears in Traditional Chinese

For the past month my mom has been in Taiwan just relaxing and catching up with old friends and of course buying tons of stuff for speck and bean, her only grand-kids so far!!  As my brother and sister in law don't want to have kids so I foresee much spoiling in the years to come!!  The first two years she went back we received a ton of random books but over the last few years I've joined a few bilingual mom groups on facebook - Raising Bilingual Children in Chinese and English, Motherly Notes, Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese, whose members are even MORE determined to teach their kids Chinese (both speaking AND reading!!).  So this most recent trip to Taiwan I sent my mom with a huge wish list in hand and below is a sneak peak at my most FAVORITE books she was able to track down for us!!

The Berenstain Bears!!!

I grew up with Berenstain bears and own roughly 30-40 of those books.  Recently I have added to my existing collection a few of the newer titles released by Stan and Jan's son Mike.

Below is a look inside two of the titles...

 Double Dare:

And the Truth:

Considering I purchased the english version for $2/each back in the 80s.  These chinese ones are quite expensive at NT 290 (just under $10 USD).  However, the quality far exceeds the copies from my childhood as they are hard cover not paperback.  There are 10 titles released together numbers 1-10.  And then a second release of a few other titles numbered 13-16.  Oddly Eslite doesn't carry or sell books number 11 &12 and I'm not quite sure why...🤷.  Hopefully more titles will be released in the future...but I would mostly be interested in the titles I already own in english.  It makes reading them much easier for me as my reading abilities are pretty terrible.  But even with my terrible reading I am still able to read roughly 60-70% of the book and am able to correctly guess another may 15-20% - I'm a really good guesser.

Overall, it's a fun read!  But it could also quite possibly be driven by my strong sense of nostalgia!!  But I would highly recommend!

Comming soon...Look Inside USbourne books in English and Chinese!

Velcro baby - by my own creation?

So last night I went out to a MOPS - Mom's Night Out event (Actual event occurred last year!).  In conversing with a few of the moms there I realized that it was my first time out of the house, at night, doing something that didn't involve Speck!

We played games, ate food and laughed.  A lot!

It was fun while it lasted.  I occassionally checked my phone in case V called or texted with any problems or emergencies - but he didn't!  Whew!

9pm rolled around and I thought I best be getting home.  I drove in and tipptoed into the house not wanting to wake speck.

To my surprise - I was met with ZOMBIE BABY!  a teary-eyed, snotty, sweaty and sobbing speck crying 'mama!"  It was a pretty pathetic sight!

And to my horror I realized she's become co-dependant on me...unable to sleep unless I was the one putting her to bed 😖...

and a few years later...absolutely nothing has changed...except the addition of BEAN!!!

Stay tuned for more speckventures with sidekick bean!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

And So It begins!

The last few times I've dropped speck off with caregivers and NOT relatives there were no teary wails of MAMA NO NO NO!  Just a small defeated nod and an "okay" or "hao".😱🙀.

More recently I've noticed she squirms a lot more when I give her hugs and kisses!  Albeit it's only been the one or two times I've hugged her a bit too tightly!  But still - that's one or two times too many!!  There was NO squirming before - EVER!

And finally tomorrow we're actually starting potty training!  No turning back now!  Kid is growing up and next thing I know I'll be sending her off to college!

But first Potty Training!

Up till now I haven't had to actively teach her anything.  She was born a good sleeper and a good eater (or rather bm drinker?).  I watched her and she figured out sitting and rolling over and crawling on her own.  I held her hand and she figured out walking on her own.  I talk to her and read to her and she figured out talking on her own.  I was hoping she would figure out the whole peeing/pooping thing on her own just by watching and observing me...but I don't think it works that way.  One can dream though...

So Tomorrow...its happening.

We'll see how it goes...

Monday, April 3, 2017


So many wonderful things have happened since speck turned two (6 months ago!!)!

We had a family gathering to celebrate and in true speckish form there was no cooperation from the birthday girl herself...

Since then she's only been growing ever more adventurous...

And gaining an increased independence...

Not to say there isn't occasional bouts of clinginess...

But I know these days are numbered and I may feign making a face but when these days are gone they will be GONE and there's no way my baby will ever crawl on top of me to sleep again and I'm already mourning that loss!!

But I think I will always see her like this...Even as Victor walks her down the aisle to give her away to some guy that I will probably think is not good enough for my baby but hopefully God will give me enough grace to love him like my own son - if speck loves him!!

Speck has experienced so many firsts since the last chapter of speckventures!!

Most notably she moved out of her two bedroom two bathroom condo on the westside into a five bedroom three bathrooms single family house in the heart of suburbia! 😱

She gathered supplies...

Boxed up her life...

Carted them down to her car one by one...

And never looked back!!

She also took a week long road trip with her "Da Bo" and his wife.  

We visited "old gold mountain"

Enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Yosemite in the winter!!

Where she practiced stunting with her "Da Bo" at the awesome cabin we rented...

And made faces with her "Bo Mu"

She even saw the town where all our produce comes from when we inadvertently tagged along for a visit to "da Bo's" old college stomping grounds!

But she found herself the center of attention so it wasn't all bad!

She's also been doing a lot of growing lately...Alot!  She's over 3 feet tall now (comming in at the 95th percentile) and weighing in at nearly 5 lbs more than her last weigh in 6 months ago (now at a whopping 50th percentile)!

There"s more adventures planned in the coming months so stay tuned for the next chapter of speckventures!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Milestone no one ever talks about!

A few nights ago we hit a huge major milestone that NO ONE ever seems to talk about.  Everyone always talks about the STTN (sleeping through the night) Milestone or first teeth or the first time they sit up or crawl or walk.  But what about the mommy getting her sleep back milestone?  So important for a mother's sanity!  Especially the first time mom!

So if you follow us on social media you will have noticed that a few nights ago Speck's mommy found her sleep!

Hopefully it will last but if Speck continues the way she has since 6 months ago...the only thing between sleep and no sleep is mommy herself!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Such a girl!!!

Last week we took speck to the beach.  It was beach night with a mom group I joined earlier this year (MOPS).  They're currently on break for the summer but every Tuesday they now have a "tire out the tykes" activity as well as a beach night at the marina del Rey beach (Mother's beach) once a month on Friday nights.

At the beach I came to the realization that I have raised such a girl!  Obviously this prissiness has come from, though I never really considered myself prissy.  Apparently, I'm much to close to the subject (myself) to make an unbiased observation.  Upon some soul searching and self-reflection I came to the conclusion that I am just as prissy as little miss priss!

Instead of running around in the sand to explore new sites...Speck was perfectly contented in standing by and watching the other kids having fun, occasionally pointing and laughing in glee.

At one point daddy swooped in and carried her off into the sand!!

That did not go over well with little miss. Much tears, loud wailings and screams of "mama" abounded!  I was afraid people would think that she was being kidnapped 😱. Thank goodness the population is generally indifferent to the plight of their fellow man. No one even looked at the commotion we were making!  Whew!  Eventually she calmed down and by the end of the night dare I say?  She actually enjoyed herself!

Every morning its a battle to get speck out of her crib.  She'll roll around for 30-40 minutes (I've clocked this rolling around at an hour once!  We didn't have anywhere to go so I didn't mind).  Part of me is wondering if I should put my foot down to this right now - even on days where our schedules are pretty free because I don't want to cultivate this slovenly behavior!  When it's time to get up do we really need to get up and go even if we have no where to go?  

But I have found that things go much more smoothly if I pluck her out of bed and get her in front of a mirror.  She'll even stand there and allow me to brush her hair into pigtails!

Another tactic to get her out of bed is to ask her, "do you want to come to the bathroom with mommy?"  She's up on her feet and reaching up to be picked up before you can get her sleeping blanket off!  

Somtimes as I'm getting ready in the morning she'll even pull me out of the bathroom (yup - by my cat pajama pants!) and drag me in front of the full length mirrored slidding closet door and demand that I sit while I apply my eye makeup!  I guess it's too hard for her to see from her stool...?  And of course much pointing follows...

Watch out daddy!  Apparenly little miss would like some eye shadow and lipstick too!  And if you give her a tube of lip balm and a mirror she knows exactly what to do...

When she first started walking I once made the mistake of holding her hand and walking her into ULTA.  Needless to say she wasn't holding my hand for long!

Before I could say stop she shot across the room and busied herself picking out the perfect shade of gloss....took her all of two minutes before she found it and brought it over to me proudly!  I was almost tempted to buy it for her - it was so cute and I was caught THAT off guard!!  Plus you've gotta give her points for digging around the clerance bin!  But thankfully I had the wherewithal to put on the responsible mommy hat and talked to her about obedience!

Another time her auntie (my cousin) and I took a walk and grabbed some coffee at the TOMs shoe store on Abbott Kinney (yes theres a coffee shop there with a sitting area in the back!) and Speck bonded over nail polish with some new gal pals who were painting their nails in the TOMs backyard sitting area!

Occassionally she did come back to make sure we were still chatting on the steps before returning to her new buddies to talk nail color and trending designs!  I think she even talked about nail stamping!  I don't even know about nail stamping!

I'm sure much to Daddy's fear and dismay, Speck is also turing into the regular shopoholic!  She's a pro at sifting through the latest fashions and she's no stranger to digging through a mess at the discount stores to find the hidden gems and the great deals!  

Sorting through the latest spring dresses at fast fashion chain H&M.  Digging through piles and piles of shoes at Nordstrom Rack!  She spotted a pink pair of duckie rain boots that she's just GOT to own! (nevermind we live in LA where is rains like twice a year!)

Her latest acquisition?  A gold rimmed pair of Marc Jacobs Aviators - lifted from mommy naturally!

She's developing quite some expensive tastes!  But she's definately down to earth enough to shop at the dollar store!

(Looking for her next sugar fix - of course!)

And what girlie girl is complete without logging hours and hours of talk/text time on the phone?  gabbing to her girlfriends and updating her social media outlets?

(Aside: you can like her on facebook: Speckventures; follow her on Instagram and Twitter: Speckventures in addition to subscribing to this blog!! She's still currently in negotiations for her own youtube channel but we're at a standstill on account of her lack of verbal abilities; but stay tuned on this front!)

Who's she talking to you ask?  Why her GIRL SQUAD - natch!

While its all fun and cute at the moment I've got to remember that a vainity is NOT a characteristic I want to cultivate in Speck.  It's okay to be a girlie girl.  But as she continues to grow and mature I've got to be ever present to help shape, mold, guide and dicipline her to becoming a beautiful woman INSIDE as she's already beatiful on the outside...

Charm is deceitful and beauty if passing but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised!
     Proverbs 31:30

Stay tuned for more speckventures...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mommy's little helper

Even before I was blessed with Speck I hoped for, prayed for and desired having a little girl.  When we found out I was pregnant I was over the moon with excitement because here's my chance!  As the weeks went by I found myself convinced that I was carrying a little boy.  It even crept into my dreams!  So imagine my renewed joy when the dr said "it's going to be a girl!".

In my mind, through my rose colored glasses, girls are so much fun-er than boys!  They've got cuter clothes.  They're less rambunctious.  They're generally more helpful.  And I'm a girl and therefore me and my little girl can do so many fun things together!  She will be my mini-me!

Well, she is no mini-me...

But she is loads of fun!  I'm sure if we had a boy I would feel just the same about him and think myself crazy for wanting a girl over a boy (for all you Anne fans out there... :).  But as such speck turned out to be a girl...and boy is she a girl!!!  I see a lot of myself in her, behavior wise.  It's nice since everyone is of the opinion that Speck's a spitting image of her dad.

My mom always assumed that I was cautious on account of my bad eyes but Speck sure put that theory to rest!  She is the most cautious little person I've ever met!  You'll never catch her jumping off a toy chest.

(Speck the safe "speck"tator in this jumping bonanza!!)

But she is just the most helpful little kid ever!  Ever since she started walking she's discovered she can do so many things!!  And she ALWAYS wants to lend me a helping hand and be involved in everything I do!  With all my daily tasks big or small!  Once she can handle the clean dishes and load them into the dish washer to dry, after I've washed them, I'm convinced I will never have to bend over at the waist again!

She helps me pick up anything that I may drop (including my socks!!)

She helps with the cooking...
(washing the does she know I hate washing rice?)

(she preps the veggies for salads and stir-frys)

She helps with the cleaning...

(untangling the cords when I vacuum and helping sweep up the dust around the house)

She helps with the grocery shopping...
(scouring the fearless flyer for the latest deals and newest items to try)

(carrying the groceries to the cart! even mommy's instant noodles...)

 She even helps daddy with the stroller...

And the heavy lifting around the house...

Yup we've been blessed beyond anything we could have hoped or dreamed with that one.

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly aboev all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in thhe church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever."
Ephesians 3:20-21

Stay tuned for more speckventures...