Thursday, January 28, 2016

The first month...

And a week later we've given up trying to feed her directly from the tap...exclusively pumping (ep) it is then.... So much easier!  

Daddy handles the night feeds and mommy is (somewhat) rested for the day times!!

Those first few weeks were exhausting for speck what with all the new faces to meet!!

There's grandma.

And grandma.

Then GREAT grandma
Then yi po and ah yi (yi po not pictured!  Everyone's very sad!!)

Then my BIG and my jo ma

Then some chans
 And some Chens
And some Lis 

We went for walks...

Got her first Starbucks (via her bm of course!!)

And of course sleeping!!  Lots and lots of sleeping...

(Burrito sleeping)

(Wild toga party aftermath sleeping)

(Daddy sleeping)

(Mommy sleeping)

(Travel sleeping)

(Fire alarm sleeping)

And of course wakeful moments to pee and poop!

Here's to more action in the months to come!!

Stay tuned for more speckventures!!

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