will be turning the big T-W-O!!
Before we hit this next milestone and I find myself in the throws of the terrible twos, I just wanted to remind myself that up until this point I have been blessed with a GREAT and easy going kid!
Two months ago I noticed that we hit a stride and found a good rhythm. But with each passing day I held my breath and waited for speck to change it up and throw a wrench into everyhing. A week went by, two weeks, a month and she's still holding fast! Now 2 months later at 20 months old I'm beginning to think (hopefully) this is just the new norm!!
From the first day speck came into the world she has been an amazingly easy to handle baby! She was a GREAT sleeper! A GREAT eater (well up until 13 months she was a great eater...). She weaned herself off the bottle and into using straw cups practically on her own (well as far as the timing of it - no huge resistance to losing the bottle). She settled in and found her own schedule and I have just been able to go along with her and follow her cues since. She doesn't really cry unless something is wrong (well after we sleep trained).
The first two months were the only "trying times" during her whole life! 1. being a first time mom - having a baby was just such a shock!! 2. she wanted to be held - all the time! and even though she only weighed a measly 7-8 lbs my arms got sore!!.
As we bump along and are met with new challenges, with disobedience, I have to keep in mind what I've been blessed with thus far!
And the best is yet to come! So grow baby! grow! And who knows? maybe this one will skip the terrible twos all together!
Stay tuned for more speckventures!
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