Thursday, February 25, 2016

When the cat is away...

So the last week V has been out of town on business and speck and I have been left entirely to our own devices!!

At first there was a tearful and dramatic goodbye :

But afterwards there were only sunshine, smiles and happy times!

Aaaand if you've been around children then you know that I jest!  The night that V left speck's sleep was way off.  Now whether it was due to missing V or teething it's hard to say...woke up at 1030PM sobbing inconsolably...

and shortly thereafter devloped a new found obession...

with this toy!!  refused to put it away, refused to go to bed...finally passed out on top of me at 12:30AM!  Woke up several times during the night too crying and upset which rarely happens these days but she has been particularly drooly....and she has been cutting her top two molars! 

It's been 8 days of Vs 12 day trip and he is definately sorely missed!  I'm not all together too sure about speck's mindset however...perhaps she's too young.  I'm sure when V returns she'll be over the moon at his return!

During this week though I've had lots of time to flip through my photo album and re-live some of speck's greatest hits!  And four hours later I'm still flipping through pictures and videos!  I can't beleive how quickly Speck has grown!  and how quickly Speck is growing!!

She took her first steps on Christmas day and by new years she was walking like a pro performing at family gatherings like a little trained monkey!

But Speck is a cautious one!  Even now nearly 2 months later she still walks around with a clear wobble and her arms still up in the air around her keeping her balance like a cat and its tail. 

We took her to the zoo for new years and just look at her clinging onto me for dear life as if the goats were going to eat her up!
But caution's got it's benefits!!  Its that cautious streak that delayed her walking till she was 1 year 3 months so really its been working in my favor!  I'm definately NOT looking forward to her running!  I mean a month after walking and though she's not very good at it she's got a certain independant streak running through her when she feels safe!

Refusing to follow -  she can't even talk yet and you can already hear her shouting "DENG WO!" (or wait for me in mandarin).  Oh dear at least she didn't turn into a pillar of salt! ;)

I definately can't wait for what else this one will surprise us with next...

Stay tuned for more speckventures!

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